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23 Dec 2010 13:21


Politics: Tom Coburn: The Senate’s only beard isn’t Joe Miller’s, guys

01 Sep 2010 18:45


Politics: Extreme conservatism isn’t all the Tea Party has to offer!

24 Apr 2010 14:30


Offbeat: Face transplant dude gets a little extra out of the bargain

We don’t have photos of the man who underwent the world’s first facial transplant five years ago, but we know the new face gave him a beard that he shaves. Wow. source

15 Apr 2010 20:12


Offbeat: Let’s face it: This guy’s beard is more impressive than yours

Slate has this killer gallery of beards up today, and as you might suspect, Julius is getting a little jealous. See, robots can’t grow facial hair. source

06 Feb 2010 12:11


Offbeat: Move over, Mobember. It’s Bearduary. Facial hair unite