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10 Oct 2009 13:51


Sports: Ryan Howard upsets 12-year-old girl. 12-year-old girl gets even.

  • 12-year-old Jennifer Valdivia caught slugger Ryan Howard’s record-setting 200th home run ball at a Phillies game in July. She offered to give the ball to Howard, with the promise he would show up. He never did. source
  • Feeling that the potentially-valuable ball was stolen from her. Valdivia and her mother got a lawyer, and this week, in the midst of the Phillies’ playoff run, threatened to sue. The ball was promptly returned. source

26 Sep 2009 13:53


Sports: Who’s Matt Carson? The biggest jerk ever doesn’t know or care

  • Does he know who I am? Exactly-he shouldn’t! My mom doesn’t even know I’m in the major leagues, and my dad still confuses me with my older brother at Thanksgiving dinner. To tell the truth, I’m pretty sure the ball was worth more before I hit it. I’m Matt Carson, for God’s sake!
  • Oakland A’s outfielder Matt Carson • Exclaiming dismay that some jerkwad caught the career minor leaguer’s first home run ball and wants $10,000 for it. Carson’s long been in the minors and probably isn’t in a position to pay that much money for a ball which probably means sentimental value to just him. (via Jeff Greco) • source