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01 Oct 2009 23:12


Culture: Dustin Diamond’s “Behind the Bell” has the worst cover design ever

Behind the Bell cover
Do we even need to say why? Just look at this crap. It looks like Dustin Diamond designed it himself. Here's why:

1. Forced pose. Diamond looks like he's trying to be the next David Copperfield, or it's a really bad Zack Morris impression.

2. Stretched, generic font. People who have no clue about design won't notice it. But we do, and it kills us.

3. Ganking from Google Images. Dude, you were on the show. You should have six of those photos on your fridge.

4. Bad use of Photoshop stroking. Congratulations, Dustin. You've created a candidate for the Photoshop Disasters hall of fame. SOURCE

25 Jun 2009 20:51


Culture: The legacy that Michael Jackson left behind, good and bad

21 Jan 2009 15:45


Culture: Here’s why “The Love Guru” leads in Razzie nominations

  • Many people suggested his own search for inner truth led him to make this movie but somewhere along the line he forgot it was supposed to be a comedy.
  • John Wilson • creator of the Golden Raspberries award, on Mike Myers’ awful attempt at a comedy, “The Love Guru,” which was universally panned by critics. It got seven Razzie nominations, by far the leader. • source