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19 Feb 2010 12:06


U.S.: Plane-crasher Joe Stack’s big issue may have been unfair tax policy

  • What policy? A 1978 law limited how employers could be punished for misclassifying employees as contractors, but in 1986 an exception was made for engineers and computer workers specifically.
  • The effect The exception affected workers like Stack, forcing the employees to have to pay back taxes if the IRS found that they were misclassified. It’s an issue Obama’s still trying to reform today.
  • Joe’s issue Stack spent $5,000 of his own money lobbying to change the law to no effect. The change forced him to pay significant backroll taxes due to his contractor status. He compared himself to a slave. source

04 Nov 2009 21:44


Culture: Nicolas Cage is broke, wearing a “will work for food” sandwich board

  • $6.5 million the amount of money Nicolas Cage owes in back taxes; he blames his awful financial advisor source

14 May 2009 08:37


Politics, U.S.: Oh the irony: A top tea party protester is a major tax cheat

  • $150,000 amount owed by national Tea Party organizer (and Top Conservatives on Twitter cofounder) Michael P. Leahy – you didn’t think to pay that? source

03 Feb 2009 23:03


U.S.: Obama ditches Tom Daschle – AND he takes the blame

  • Did I screw up in this situation? Absolutely. I’m willing to take my lumps.
  • Barack Obama • in an interview with NBC’s Brian Williams, on that Tom Daschle guy, who had to pay a ton in back taxes recently – a fact that came out when he was being vetted for Secretary of Health and Human Services • source

02 Feb 2009 09:24


U.S.: Tom Daschle + back taxes = the inevitable apology to Congress

  • I apologize for the errors and profoundly regret that you have had to devote time to them.
  • Tom Daschle • the former Senate Majority Leader who is nominated for secretary of Health and Human Services, on having to pay $128,000 in back taxes. He wrote this in a letter to the Senate Finance Committee, who has yet to approve him. *forehead slap* • source