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02 Jul 2010 11:01


U.S.: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sticks it to state workers

  • Nearly all of them are gonna be making minimum wage until a budget’s set. The governor is basing the move on a 2003 state Supreme Court decision, White v. Davis, which says that employees without a budget that sets aside an allocation for salaries will get minimum wage until said budget is set, at which point they’ll get the back salary covered. At $7.25 an hour – in California – this seems a tad cruel. Look, we know that California politics are tough, but there’s no reason to use state employees as pawns in a political game. source

23 Jun 2010 10:58


Politics: Oil companies force anti-green initiative on California’s ballot

  • This initiative sponsored by greedy Texas oil companies would cripple California’s fastest-growing economic sector, reverse our renewable energy policy and decimate our environmental progress for the benefit of these oil companies’ profit margins. … I will not allow this to happen on my watch.
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger • Reacting with disgust about the addition of a ballot initiative which would limit a global warming bill from getting enacted until the unemployment rate, currently at 12 percent in the state, was at 5.5 percent for at least a year. Which is total crap, because the bill’s designed to create new kinds of jobs. Who’s behind the initative? Texas oil giants Valero Energy Inc. and Tesoro Corp. That’s right. Big oil is trying to make a global warming initiative go away. They’ve spent $3 million on it and have painted it as an “energy tax.” Which isn’t what the bill is at all. Unbelievable. source

22 Feb 2010 08:44


Politics: Arnold Schwarzenegger trashes on his own party’s antics

  • I don’t want to beat up on my Republican colleagues, but I think it’s kind of politics rather than thinking about only one thing, and this is, how do we support the president? How do we support him and do everything we can in order to stimulate the economy?
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger • Discussing the stimulus plan and Republicans’ reaction to it. The comments, which he made on “This Week” yesterday, also agreed with Obama on GOP members’ handling of the stimulus plan. “I find it interesting that you have a lot of the Republicans running around and pushing back on the stimulus money and saying this doesn’t create any new jobs,” he notes, while noting they’re the ones handing out the checks. “It doesn’t match up.” He says they should support the president. source

10 Jan 2010 22:49


Politics: Max Headroom: Ahnold still feels aftershocks from “True Lies”

  • RNC VS. DNC: RAWR On “Fox News Sunday,” pretty much the only news show worth watching nowadays if you’re being sarcastic, DNC chair Tim Kaine and RNC chair Michael Steele took on the Harry Reid thing. And they both answered as you’d expect, really. Michael Steele comes off as a douche.

  • Painting: terminated When California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks, paintings fall down. Was it perhaps a result of the aftershock of speaking to the effervescent David Gregory, or maybe the Eureka quake last night? Either way, we’re freaking amused, just like David Gregory.

  • Bad point, bob A week ago, we were giving CBS’ “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer credit for making a pretty spot-on point about the political echo chamber. How does he follow up? Well, by talking about what we could learn from dogs. Uh, WHAT?@! This is an e-mail chain letter.

09 Jan 2010 13:42


U.S.: California wants a ton of freaking money from the feds

  • $6.9 billion, which they’ll take in small bills source

20 Dec 2009 21:55


Politics: Obama’s got a buddy on the right with massive muscles

  • When it comes to effort,
    [Obama] should get a straight A. He’s out there with tremendous energy and he’s selling his ideas. And he has great enthusiasm there. He’s a great speaker, a great  communicator.
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger • Stretching his big, muscular arm across party lines in giving Obama a pat on the back for his first year in office. Schwarzenegger says that Obama has to “be tough, just continue on, never give up, eventually he’s going to get all those things done.” You know, like the Terminator does when he’s trying to save Sarah Connor. source

20 Dec 2009 11:04


U.S.: Arnold Schwarzenegger could really do anything after leaving office

  • one If he wants, he could always return to that high-paying acting career.
  • two Screw acting! Arnold could totally run a network or movie studio!
  • three And really, does it need to be in the film industry? Business could use his acumen.
  • fourDude could stay in politics, head towards the Senate, and win some friends.
  • five Become a homemaker to prep for his role in “Junior 2: Mr. Dad.” source

28 Nov 2009 10:03


U.S.: Arnold Schwarzenegger has a little tax lien issue with the IRS

  • $79,000 guess they’ll be back source

23 May 2009 20:18


Culture: Sans Ah-nold, “Terminator Salvation” opens pretty well

  • $13.4 million on Friday for the latest cyborg flick source

15 May 2009 13:09


U.S.: The Terminator is complaining loudly about California’s budget

  • $6 billion is how much Arnold wants to bail out California source