$200 million in losses for the airlines daily source
» Side effects: If the delays stretch out for weeks, not just days, experts say that the crisis could start having major side effects on the economy, such as factory supply chains. The volcano is showing no signs of letting up, by the way, and in fact may be intensifying today.
They’re saying it’s a security document but it was sent to every airport and airline. It was sent to Islamabad, to Riyadh and to Nigeria. So they’re looking for information about a security document sent to 10,000-plus people internationally. You can’t have a right to expect privacy after that.
Blogger Steven Frischling • On posting a document the TSA released about new airline security measures. He and another blogger were visited by the organization after posting the documents, subpoenas in tow. The documents weren’t classified, but the agency says security directives “are not for public disclosure.” Ugh, whatever guys. Go scan our shoes or something instead. source
Most of the airports are fine, but the ones that are broken are major fail. Recap: West Coast, fine. Newark (a massive airport outside of NYC), screwed. Dulles (a massive airport outside of D.C.), screwed. Whoever hacked the Gibson, great job screwing everyone!source
The problem lies not with the planes or the navigation system, but the pilot scheduling system, which now has to be put in manually. source
According to the FAA, the failure is not a safety hazard. You’re just going to be paying six dollars for a muffin while you’re stuck waiting in the terminal. source