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24 Jul 2009 10:41


Biz, U.S.: The big question with minimum wage: Is now really the time?

  • Arguments for Much as with any wage increase, the biggest argument for is workers whose wage hasn’t kept up with the economic climate. The thinking, of course, is that if they get higher wages, they can afford a better lifestyle. source
  • Arguments for Much as with any wage increase, the biggest argument for is workers whose wage hasn’t kept up with the economic climate. The thinking, of course, is that if they get higher wages, they can afford a better lifestyle.
  • Arguments against Much as with any wage increase, the biggest argument against is the fact that the economy – specifically employers can’t support the wage increase. With high unemployment nationwide, this rings truer now than ever. source
  • Arguments for Much as with any wage increase, the biggest argument for is workers whose wage hasn’t kept up with the economic climate. The thinking, of course, is that if they get higher wages, they can afford a better lifestyle.
  • Arguments against Much as with any wage increase, the biggest argument against is the fact that the economy – specifically employers can’t support the wage increase. With high unemployment nationwide, this rings truer now than ever.
  • Who the law forgot The tip slave – whose livelihood is largely based on how much you jerks tip her for your Monte Cristo and fries – still only makes $2.13 an hour before tips. Now, tips can be a nice racket, but that’s a damn shame. source

19 Apr 2009 20:04


Politics, U.S.: The latest talking points against Obama skew diplomatic

  • NOOO!!! Now that Obama has let those torture memos out of the bag, the terrorists will WIN! The CIA will have a harder time defeating those evil terrorists and PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN!!
  • shake
  • torture

18 Mar 2009 22:35


U.S.: Who has no death penalty? A small (but growing) number of states

  • 15 states have no death penalty; more are considering ending it source