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25 Jun 2009 20:59


Culture: “Billie Jean” at Motown 25: Remember Michael Jackson this way

  • Before he got ruined by his fame, this is him earning his bread. This dance made his career. “Thriller” was big, but it became epic after this performance. Forget all the other stuff. This is where he should be frozen in amber.source

02 Jun 2009 21:36


16 Feb 2009 22:07


U.S.: Bill Clinton has harsh words for Time Magazine

  • Do any of them seriously believe if I had been president, and my economic team had been in place the last eight years, that this would be happening today? I think they know the answer to that: No.
  • Former president Bill Clinton • on being blamed, in part, for the economic crisis in a recent Time Magazine article • source

16 Feb 2009 22:03


U.S.: If you were Bill Clinton, wouldn’t you complain, too?

  • 25 people got blamed for the economic crisis in a Time Magazine article source