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Posted on May 9, 2010 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: Meet the kind of guy who posts news videos all day

  • This bearded dude may not look like much, but he’s kind of a big deal. This guy runs a YouTube channel called, which has posted hundreds of political videos like the kind we post here every week. He’s a bit of an obsessive about it (and argues the world might end after 2012), but he finds some really great news content. (And he needs money. You should donate.) The guy who ran the similar NewsPolitics YouTube channel got a job as a video editor for the excellent Mediaite and has turned that site into a huge hit. Why shouldn’t this guy get hooked up by Dan Abrams too? Just sayin’. Here are some recent clips from Mr. MoxNews’ YouTube channel.

  • Can Jesus be funnY? This priest on “Fox and Friends” seems offended by the idea that one can make fun of Jesus Christ, as Comedy Central is currently planning. He hurts his cause by suggesting a funny comedy couldn’t be made about presidential infidelity. Did this dude forget the Clinton years?
  • Oops, wrong guy!This MoxNews clip of a Seattle beating drew nearly 50,000 views in just two days. In the clip, police officers hold a man who was possibly a suspect in an armed robbery. Before they even know if he’s their guy, officers kick and stomp on him, injuring him. By the way, he wasn’t their guy.
  • Ron paul: I called it! The congressman and 2008 presidential candidate has been going on and on for years about overspending and too much debt causing the downfall of the world, so guess who Fox News called when they needed to talk to somebody about the Greece debt crisis? That’s right, Ron Paul.