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Posted on December 20, 2009 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: If snow’s involved, it must be an anti-war protest

  • Fox News Fail For some reason, Fox News chose to report the snowball fight story (which we covered directly below) as an anti-war protest … when it clearly wasn’t. Those twentysomethings are gathering! They must be protesting war or something.

  • Voice of the left How’d he get on “Meet the Press”? Markos Moulitsas, a.k.a. the guy behind liberal blog Daily Kos, got to sit up at the table with the big boys and tell them why the health care plan sucks. Honestly, it’s pretty cool that he’s considered this influential.

  • Lindsey’s madSouth Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, on the other hand, got to go on about why he thinks the health care plan sucks for a different reason – Ben Nelson got a sweetheart deal that he thinks his state can benefit from. Does this GOP complaint have legs?