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Posted on December 30, 2009 | tags


Culture: Rush Limbaugh rushed to the hospital with chest pains

  • The uber-conservative icon was vacationing in Hawaii. Much like Obama and Nancy Pelosi, Rush Limbaugh decided to stay in the sun during the holidays. He was golfing earlier this week. But after a bout with chest pains, he was taken to the hospital today. We’ll keep you posted on our favorite blowhard’s condition. source
  • Update (2:16 a.m.): Our boy is resting comfortably. Also, some liberals on Twitter are being complete douchebags tonight. If you follow this site at all, you know it skews a little left, but at least tries to give both sides a fair shake. Hoping someone you don’t like dies is just awful. Stop it – you’re better than that, kids. *hand slap*