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15 Jun 2011 14:22


Biz: FDA takes steps to make sunscreen more consumer-friendly

  • beforeSunscreen was pretty misleading. The SPF only referred to how well the sunscreen protected against UVB rays, completely neglecting the still-harmful UVA rays. There were also a few false claims on those bottles of sunscreen — mainly those calling it waterproof.
  • afterNew requirements will make sunscreens much more consumer-friendly. SPF will tell how well the sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen won’t be called sunblock, nor will it be called waterproof or sweatproof — no sunscreen really is. source

15 Jun 2011 13:47


U.S.: Living in the U.S. takes a toll on your life, apparently

  • 75.6 average life expectancy, in years, for a man in the United States
  • 80.8 average life expectancy, in years, for a woman in the U.S. source
  • » Not so bad, right? It doesn’t seem like it — until you start comparing us to other countries. Compared to an average of the countries with the 10 best life expectancies, American men live roughly 13 years less and women live 16 years less. Not only does living in the U.S. mean you may not live as long, but if you live in Appalachia, the deep South, or in northern Texas, you can expect a lower life expectancy than anywhere else in the country. People tend to live longest on the Pacific coast and the Northern Plains. What is ironic about all this is that the U.S. spends more money on health per person than any other country in the world — so what’s wrong?

14 Jun 2011 15:14


U.S.: Only in America story of the day

  • I could best describe him as a bully. He’s one of those people you’re constantly dealing with — confrontations with law enforcement, confrontations with neighbors
  • Chuck Curry, the county sheriff in Flathead County, Montanna • He’s talking about a guy named David Burgert, someone formerly in charge of a militia that wants to go to war with the National Guard and overthrow the government. Apparently, Burgert got in a shootout with police and then ran into the woods. They’ve been looking for him since the shootout happened Sunday, and they’ve only found stashes of guns and food. Let’s hope this guy doesn’t end up overthrowing our government any time soon. We’re shaking in our boots. source

14 Jun 2011 14:50


Tech, U.S.: Hackers break into, nothing of value is lost

  • A certain hacker group that’s been making headlines lately hacked the Senate’s website. However, they stole nothing of value — they only obtained information about to go on the site itself. The firewall protecting the Senate’s important documents kept them away from the data that could have been potentially harmful if released. Investigators traced the weakness in the system back to one senator’s office, but the senator hasn’t been named. In a press release about the incident, the hackers made it sound like this wouldn’t be the last time they targeted a government site, either. One thing is for sure — the White House should really look into cyber security if some amateur hackers are breaking into government websites this regularly. source

14 Jun 2011 13:54


U.S.: Girl beats the odds, becomes a rare rabies survivor

  • unfortunateRabies is a disease that usually can’t be cured unless you’re vaccinated right after you get it. That was a problem for an 8-year-old girl in California — she contracted rabies from a feral cat and didn’t realize it. By the time her symptoms — including paralysis — were showing, it was too late.
  • fortunateDoctors placed Precious Reynolds in a medical coma and gave her antiviral medications. They didn’t have much hope for her because only two other people have ever survived the disease without the vaccines. Somehow, Precious beat the odds and survived. Definitely a story to smile about. source

13 Jun 2011 14:33


U.S.: Rapture alert: Harold Camping suffers a mild stroke

  • He’s 89 years old, so it isn’t really a surprise. Apparently, the rapture preacher, who spent $100 million of his own money telling people the world would end May 21st, is recovering just fine. “He is presently recuperating in a local hospital and the doctors are pleased with his progress,” said Family Radio special projects coordinator Michael Garcia. But either way, it doesn’t really matter in the long run. According to his own calculations, he’s only got a few months left to live; he’s now saying that the world is going to end on October 21. source

13 Jun 2011 14:13


U.S.: The White House annoyed about this Weinergate thing

  • The president feels, we feel at the White House, this is a distraction, as Congressman Weiner has said himself, his behavior was inappropriate, dishonesty was inappropriate.
  • White House Press Secretary Jay Carney • responding to Weinergate. He didn’t go so far as to say Weiner should resign, though. It seems like the White House is pretty upset about this whole thing, which is understandable. Obama just made a speech about jobs today, and it’s easy to imagine him being fed up with Weiner getting all this press. Not only is Weiner’s situation bugging Democrats, but he’s taking press away from Obama. source

13 Jun 2011 13:31


Music: Clarence Clemons hospitalized after massive stroke

  • The beloved saxophonist of the E Street Band has had two brain surgeries since the stroke, and initially suffered paralysis on his left side, but he’s able to move his left hand now and his condition is still improving. Over the past few years, Clemons hasn’t had the best health — he’s had surgery on his hips, knees and back. Despite that, he has yet to miss a concert because he’s so passionate about making people happy. Recently, Clemons guested on Lady Gaga’s new album “Born this Way.” Here’s hoping he gets better and gets back to what so many people love him for — making music. source

10 Jun 2011 15:31


U.S.: Worse than Arizona? Alabama’s new anti-immigration law

  • Alabama is going to start checking students to see if they’re legal immigrants. It’s sort of reminiscent of that law in Arizona that’s being challenged in court, only this one is a little more invasive. Alabama’s law would require all businesses to check the status of their workers and register them in an online database, as well as checking all students to make sure they’re legal. Scott Beason, the GOP state senator who sponsored the law, says that it will help give jobs back to people in Alabama. But that leads us to the question, “are they jobs people would want in the first place?” This bill is definitely invasive, possibly racist and certainly unfair. It’d make life harder for a lot of people. source

10 Jun 2011 14:12


World: Blame bean sprouts: Source of E.coli outbreak finally found

  • The whole thing is a big scandal. People were very unsettled. Every day something difference was announced. Now I hear on the radio that it was the sprouts. But people were living buying less fruit. That is simply insane.
  • Riza Cetinkaya, a grocery store worker in Germany • It seems like German officials have finally found the source of the deadly E coli outbreak that’s been sweeping Germany, and it’s not the Spanish cucumber. The virus bacterium is coming from bean sprouts produced at an organic farm in Germany. They’re almost positive they’ve found the right source this time, and they’ve stopped the farm from producing anything until they get it figured out. However, lab tests have given them nothing but negatives on the sprouts … so they still don’t know how it happened to begin with. Definitely a story we’re going to keep watching. source