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08 Sep 2011 10:41


Politics: Michele Bachmann: Did she hurt herself with last night’s debate?

  • I think the bottom line is, there was enough beating up of each other tonight [between Romney and Perry] that we didn’t have to get in. You know, never interrupt your enemy when they’re in the process of destroying themselves is an old adage.
  • Michele Bachmann campaign consultant Ed Rollins, who recently took a demotion • Discussing Bachmann’s debate performance on Wednesday. Bachmann, once the toast of the campaign, disappeared for long stretches last night, no longer standing out as a frontrunner, leading some to claim that her campaign was “finished.” Rollins apparently feels that way himself, recently calling the race “a Romney-Perry race.” Was it the Newsweek cover that did her campaign in? Or does she need another one of those? source

08 Sep 2011 10:28


Politics: Why would Obama not curb smog emissions? Gore has a few ideas.

  • Al Gore: He’s not happy with Obama. President Obama has recently halted regulations that would curb “smog-creating emissions until at least 2013“. According to Gore, the “result of the White House’s action will be increased medical bills for seniors with lung disease, more children developing asthma, and the continued degradation of our air quality.” He also likened Obama to George W. Bush, a seemingly low blow. source

08 Sep 2011 10:12


Offbeat: Gumby wannabe robber: This guy’s headed to the Pokey

  • Gumby attempted a robbery, you guys. Put away your Etch-A-Sketches and your Stretch Armstrongs, boys and girls. Childhood is over. In the San Diego area, a man dressed in a Gumby costume tried to rob a convenience store; he left with nothing, but there’s a $1,000 reward for info related to his eventual capture. Police are taking the matter seriously, however; we know we wouldn’t be able to do so. source