This is the first iPad competitor we’ve seen that actually seems like it might have a real shot of taking on Apple. The fact that it’s from RIM, who has been seen as a bit of an also-ran in the phone market, is a bit surprising. The reason? The OS is QNX, meaning it’s a total break from the past for the BlackBerry maker. It also has a better name than the iPad. Hello, Playbook. source
He says that they’re really bad. And they have the potential to get worse thanks to the uncertain future of D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, a controversial, high-profile education reformer who may not last when Vincent Gray becomes mayor. Obama has a stake in this whole thing because of his daughters, both of whom attend the snazzy Sidwell private school. When asked whether they could get a comparable public education, he was blunt: “I’ll be blunt with you: The answer is no right now.” While he says he could get them in a good public school due to his connections, most parents don’t have his advantage. source
They are really asking for the authority to redesign services that take advantage of the unique, and now pervasive, architecture of the Internet. They basically want to turn back the clock and make Internet services function the way that the telephone system used to function.
Center for Democracy and Technology vice president James X. Dempsey • Explaining why the Obama administration is suddenly making a push to add wiretapping functions to the entire Internet – functions which they haven’t had and draw controversy every single time they come up. Law enforcement agents argue that it’s necessary to make it easier to do their jobs. Wanna know our feeling? If Obama follows through with this, it has the possibility to negate much of the positive goodwill he has among the Left. You thought Bush’s wiretapping desires were bad? This is miles worse. source
$1.4billion sealed the deal for Southwest and AirTran source
» Why Southwest really wants it: The discount airline currently doesn’t have a stake in Atlanta’s airport, the biggest in the world and the biggest major market Southwest currently doesn’t serve. AirTran’s biggest hub is Atlanta. So this is good for the company.
Let’s face it. A lot of heartless bastards are gonna find this story funny. But let us not forget that there was a real person involved, and that real person had a very tragic accident yesterday. Jimi Heselden, the 62-year-old owner of the of Segway (he bought the company in December), was found dead after his scooter fell off a cliff. Yes, there’s irony here. Yes, you’ll probably hear an off-color joke or three about this incident. But it still doesn’t negate the fact that it’s an awful accident that we wouldn’t wish upon everyone. Poor guy. source
So, what’s new?This morning, Republican Rep. Mike Pence found himself in the somewhat undesirable spot of explaining how the Republican’s “Pledge to America” was different from the plans they’ve sold in the past. Blame Jon Stewart.
Not-so-double-standard Our boy Fareed Zakaria had a pretty good point regarding some of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s criticism of the U.S., specifically with the death penalty – simply put, Iran is a really big pot calling a relatively small kettle black.
Not such a bad guy!As Oprah proved on her show, that Mark Zuckerberg guy isn’t such a jerk. See? He’s going to Japan with his beautiful girlfriend! He lets people skateboard on the job! How could this guy be the subject of an Aaron Sorkin hit piece?