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13 Jul 2011 22:18


World: How heavily does the Chinese government censor the Internet?

  • 1.3 million websites shut down by the Chinese gov’t last year source
  • » This means there were 41% fewer websites accessible to China’s residents at the end of last year, compared to a year earlier. And the statistic comes directly from the Chinese government itself (well, a government-run think tank, at least), so it’s probably not an overstatement.

27 Sep 2010 10:46


U.S.: Obama wants to wiretap the Internet: Why you should worry

  • They are really asking for the authority to redesign services that take advantage of the unique, and now pervasive, architecture of the Internet. They basically want to turn back the clock and make Internet services function the way that the telephone system used to function.
  • Center for Democracy and Technology vice president James X. Dempsey • Explaining why the Obama administration is suddenly making a push to add wiretapping functions to the entire Internet – functions which they haven’t had and draw controversy every single time they come up. Law enforcement agents argue that it’s necessary to make it easier to do their jobs. Wanna know our feeling? If Obama follows through with this, it has the possibility to negate much of the positive goodwill he has among the Left. You thought Bush’s wiretapping desires were bad? This is miles worse. source