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10 Aug 2010 09:54


World: BlackBerry comeback: RIM charms the heck out of Saudi Arabia

Good news to Saudi citizens: After making some progress, BlackBerry maker RIM scored a deal with the country and earned a reprieve. So your phones will work. source

10 Aug 2010 09:47


World: The Afghan War got much deadlier between January and June

  • 31% increase in civilian deaths in just six months source
  • » Why the dramatic increase? Blame the intensifying insurgency. Seventy-six percent of the casualties were caused by “antigovernment elements” such as the Taliban, a number up by 53 percent from January to June 2009.

10 Aug 2010 09:36


Tech: Google and Verizon’s net neutrality deal: As bad as it sounds

  • The agreement outsources the FCC’s powers and authorities to the very industries these rules are supposed to oversee.
  • Public Knowledge Senior Director Sherwin Sly • Discussing yesterday’s deal of an announcement between Google and Verizon. This is the sticking point many other people and groups have, just an FYI. Sure, it’s good for them to talk to the FCC about this kind of thing, but they’re basically trying to set public policy for everyone with a bunch of backroom deals. Sounds shady to us. Many feel that there’s a hidden agenda at work here, and if they do use this self-appointed authority, it could be dangerous. source

10 Aug 2010 00:00


Offbeat: Flight attendant with hurt feelings makes entertaining scene

Steven Slater got hit in the head with luggage. The passenger wouldn’t apologize, so he started talking crap on the PA. Then he fled down the emergency slide with two beers. source