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05 Jul 2010 09:49


Tech: Glenn Beck has an online university, a crazy demeanor

  • If this shows up on a resume, potential employer, you know what to do. The Fox News and radio host, who has a tendency to bring up Nazis at a moment’s notice, is starting an online university, complete with professors, which plans to “show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.” It’s kinda like Regent University or Oral Roberts University, except the graduates come out even stupider than before. If Julius had his own university, he’d teach you how to rant in 200 words or less. source

05 Jul 2010 09:31


Tech: Microsoft’s Kin died a swift death because nobody would buy it

  • It was killed abruptly because no one was buying it and there no was no credible reason to believe anyone would.
  • A Microsoft staffer • Discussing exactly why the Kin died. The numbers back him up on this 100 percent. In a market where the iPhone sells a million units in a weekend, the Kin sold less than 10,000 in six weeks. It’s one of many embarrassments for the company, which screwed up the Kin’s opportunity by taking too long to bring it to market. Staffers at Verizon stores were actually discouraging people from buying the Kin – par for the course, considering that Verizon pulled a decent data deal out from under the company. source

05 Jul 2010 09:20


Biz, U.S.: BP’s oil spill bill keeps going up, and then some

  • $3.12 billion spent on cleanup and claims so far source