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04 Jan 2010 08:50


Politics: In Alabama, “Democrat” means “Basically a Republican”

  • I like Bobby. I think he’s a great guy and a fine Christian man. But when he first came out, I wished that he’d been a Republican.
  • Retired electrical engineer Glenn Cook, 72 • On his Congressman, Bobby Bright. Bright, an Alabama Democrat in an era where such a thing can be political suicide, has stayed popular mainly in his district by voting like a Republican on all but a tiny handful of things. Parker Griffith was a fellow Democratic Congressman in Alabama until recently. He switched parties, leaving Bright by himself. source

04 Jan 2010 08:37


Politics: Sen. Jim DeMint lets politics get in the way of security

  • obvious The Senate needs to confirm a TSA chief. Obama already has a guy picked out, and has for months. We just had a terror attempt, too.
  • lame Sen. Jim DeMint is holding up Erroll Southers‘ nomination … over his fear of unions. WTF? Who cares? Let it go, man! source

04 Jan 2010 01:17


Music: Michael Jackson gives us “Another Day” to wonder what if

  • This isn’t the full song, but it’s enough to let you know that Michael Jackson still had it late in his life. “Another Day,” a collaboration with Lenny Kravitz reportedly recorded last year (unlike earlier “Dangerous”-era tune “This is It”), sounds like the work of the someone who had something to say. It’s sad that we won’t get the full answer as to what that is.

04 Jan 2010 00:37


U.S.: Newark airport’s collective freak-out finally sorted out (almost)

  • There there, little girl, it’ll be OK soon, we swear. Flights at Newark Airport are finally starting to go out after hours of nightmares caused by some jerk who thought it’d be funny to skip out on security in one of the largest airports in the country. If she thinks waiting in line is bad, she could go outside and visit sunny Newark, where it’s probably freezing, the air is full of fresh-smelling chemicals,  and friendly people can’t wait to rob you. source