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02 Aug 2009 11:06


U.S., World: Identified: The remains of a missing pilot from Gulf War I

  • His plane was shot down January 17, 1991 The Department of Defense today identified the remains of Captain Michael Scott Speicher, who was killed in Iraq during the first Gulf War. Dental records confirmed the match. The Navy pilot’s remains had been unidentified for years – as well as the fate of Speicher. The pilot was believed by some to be held captive by Saddam Hussein. “Our Navy will never give up looking for a shipmate,” said Admiral Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations, “regardless of how long or how difficult that search may be.” source

02 Aug 2009 02:43


Biz, Tech: Nissan: Your car has low emissions? Well OUR car has none!

The Nissan Leaf, the company’s first all-electric car, goes 160 km on a charge, goes as fast as 140 km and will use a lithium-ion battery pack. source

02 Aug 2009 02:33


Biz, U.S.: Coming soon: More cash for more clunkers? It’s up to the Senate

  • $2 billion is on the table, but it still needs Senate approval source