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Posted on December 10, 2010 | tags


World: Prince Charles should’ve rode in the Bentley, not the Rolls Royce

  • It was the sheer conspicuousness of this vehicle in a busy street in the wake of this demonstration that caused the problem.
  • Former royal protection officer Ken Wharfe • Suggesting that the reason that the Royals (Prince Charles and Camilla) were caught up in yesterday’s tuition protests was because they were riding around a very public area in a shiny Rolls Royce limousine, when they should’ve gone with something more modest. “From my own experience, it is a vehicle that is very difficult to manoeuvre in any area, let alone a congested street at Christmas time,” he said. “I do think this was the classic example where the Prince of Wales should have been using his armoured Bentley – it’s far less conspicuous.” Because we all know how much poor people hate rich people who flaunt their overwhelming wealth right in front of them. source