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Posted on December 10, 2010 | tags


World: “Openleaks”: Like Wikileaks, only transparent organizationally, too

  • Eventually it ended with me arguing with Julian about basically his dictatorial behavior, which ended with Julian saying to me that if I had problems with him I could just piss off, I quote.
  • Former Icelandic Wikileaks member Herbert Snorrason • Explaining why he chose to help start Openleaks, which sounds to us like the Gnutella to Wikileaks’ Napster. Openleaks, which will start up next week, looks to work less as a single Web site and more as a platform where people can upload anonymously and get their information directly to journalists. And no Julian Assange in sight, either. It’s good to point out that Gnutella is still operating all these years later, while the original Napster died almost immediately. Will this be a game of Julian Assange taking the first arrow but his idea ultimately taking hold? (On a side note, we hope that that thing on isn’t the logo, because it looks a little … uh, phallic.) source