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Posted on June 10, 2009 | tags


U.S.: Who’s behind the N.Y. state senate upheaval? Some rich bastard.

  • He gave money. Tom Golisano, a billionaire business exec, paid lots of money to help the Democrats take over the state senate last November. It was the first time they led the state senate in 40 years. source
  • He gave money. Tom Golisano, a billionaire business exec, paid lots of money to help the Democrats take over the state senate last November. It was the first time they led the state senate in 40 years.
  • He felt slighted. However, when Golisano heard the Democrats wanted to tax the wealthy, and feeling slighted by a meeting with majority leader Malcolm A. Smith, he helped lead the unprecedented takeover. source
  • He gave money. Tom Golisano, a billionaire business exec, paid lots of money to help the Democrats take over the state senate last November. It was the first time they led the state senate in 40 years.
  • He felt slighted. However, when Golisano heard the Democrats wanted to tax the wealthy, and feeling slighted by a meeting with majority leader Malcolm A. Smith, he helped lead the unprecedented takeover.
  • Our take How can one guy have this much power? He doesn’t control the state senate – the people who voted for the candidates do. This strikes of corruption. The whole thing feels ethically unsound. source