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16 May 2010 22:54


Culture: Dear Justin Bieber fans: You’re pawns in a viral marketing campaign

  • Justin Bieber should buy @twitter make it #BieberTwitter and then say “Who owns now bitch?” ;D
  • A Tweeter who goes by the name @BiebsOrDie • Regarding her mission, and the mission of teenage girls everywhere: Get Justin Bieber in the Twitter trending topics somehow. They’ve been doing everything in their power to make it happen, much to the frustration of people who simply want the trending topics to provide relevant information (a fact we noted on Twitter earlier today). The thing is, these teenage girls are really just vectors for the music industry. Twitter has to figure out a way to filter its results better. source

02 Feb 2010 23:18


Tech: SeededBuzz: A blog marketing site in need of more blogs

  • Is this innovation, or is it overly complicated? SeededBuzz, which is in super-early beta, promises bloggers an opportunity to do mutual promotion of blog articles with other sites, all in the hopes of stirring up some viral traffic for your site. Oh, and it costs money outside of beta, but if it works, it should give your revenue model a shot in the arm. We smell something cooking here, but none of the articles we saw on the site looked like they were really worth blogging about. In this case, the early adopters have nothing to grab onto. If we were them, we’d cut some deals with notable bloggers (blogs-about-blogging CopyBlogger and ProBlogger come to mind) and get them to use the service. Then it might be worthwhile. source