The affair Edwards, a former senator and veep candidate with John Kerry in 2004 who ran presidential primary campaigns in both 2004 and 2008, saw his political career quickly fall apart after news of an affair with Rielle Hunter broke last year. source
The affair Edwards, a former senator and veep candidate with John Kerry in 2004 who ran presidential primary campaigns in both 2004 and 2008, saw his political career quickly fall apart after news of an affair with Rielle Hunter broke last year.
The probe Edwards is now facing a federal investigation due to Hunter’s ties to organizations which his 2008 campaign gave significant funds to. Which means that his dirty laundry could possibly play out in a public courtroom. O_o source
The affair Edwards, a former senator and veep candidate with John Kerry in 2004 who ran presidential primary campaigns in both 2004 and 2008, saw his political career quickly fall apart after news of an affair with Rielle Hunter broke last year.
The probe Edwards is now facing a federal investigation due to Hunter’s ties to organizations which his 2008 campaign gave significant funds to. Which means that his dirty laundry could possibly play out in a public courtroom. O_o
The tell-all If all of this wasn’t bad enough for a guy who was almost vice president, his wife, Elizabeth, is about to release a book that airs that same dirty laundry – she admits to vomiting when finding out about the affair. O_O source
You need to know that both Levi and Bristol are working their butts off to parent and going to school and working at the same time. They are certainly not high school dropouts.
Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin • on her daughter Bristol and boyfriend Levi Johnston, who are now with child • source