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22 Mar 2011 01:29


Politics: Drawl drama: Where exactly is Tim Pawlenty from?

  • accusation Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who launched an exploratory committee for president today, doesn’t have a Southern accent. However, he recently started speaking with one, causing much confusion amongst his constituents.
  • reaction When asked about the sudden change in accent, Pawlenty responded that he doesn’t always “use the exact King’s English.” But wait a second – that wasn’t the accusation! Hey, T-Paw, is that a scarecrow you’re building? Oh, no, it’s just a straw man. source

21 Mar 2011 11:02


Politics: Woot: Tim Pawlenty announcing presidential exploratory committee

  • Great work, T-Paw. No, we’re not talking about your announcing of a presidential exploratory committee, which you’re probably going to announce on your Facebook page later today. (He’ll be the second GOPer exploring a presidency, after Herman Cain.) No. We’re talking about you allowing us to link to these videos again. If you run for president, we expect a new video, done in a similar style, once every week. You could buy Michael Bay and give him a position in your cabinet with the amount of fundraising you could garner with a move like that. source

24 Feb 2011 23:38


Politics: Tim Pawlenty 2: Revenge Of The Fallen

  • Tim Pawlenty has another “Transformers”-esque video out, this one rallying support for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. As with his last masterpiece, this movie trail–err, web ad employs shaky archival footage, inspirational words from T-Paw, and an ominous soundtrack implying that the end of the world might be upon us…unless, of course, a savior blesses us with his presence. Perhaps a folksy, Midwestern savior? One with a sometimes-mullet and really hot wife? source

24 Jan 2011 21:53


Politics: Tim Pawlenty casts self in “Independence Day” sequel

  • Poor Tim Pawlenty. For reasons we’ve never fully understood, he got pigeonholed early on as 2012’s “bland” candidate (“blandidate,” if you will), and despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to shake that label for some stupid reason. So what’s the most rational way for Pawlenty to fix this? If you didn’t answer, “release an ad for his book that looks like a Michael Bay trailer,” you’re clearly a moron. In terms of movie-ness, this commercial makes Palin’s Mama Grizzlies video look like a Mike Gravel ad.  source

17 Dec 2010 00:02


Politics, U.S.: GOP divide: 2012 contenders disagree on tax cut legislation

  • five potential GOP candidates support the tax cut deal: Mike Huckabee, John Thune, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels and Tim “T-Paw” Palenty
  • four potential GOP candidates oppose it: Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Mike Pence, and Rick “The Rock” Santorum source

03 Dec 2010 17:41


Politics, U.S.: 2012: Pawlenty leads the pack in book sales

  • 12k Amazon users purchased Mitt Romney’s recent book, “No Apology”
  • 9k readers went for Newt Gingrich’s “To Save America” for their 2012 fix instead
  • 263k fans opted for Tim Pawlenty’s upcoming manifesto, “Courage to Stand” source

26 Oct 2009 09:55


Politics: Daily Poll: An absurdly early 2012 GOP presidential straw poll

  • The Washington Post’s Monday Fix got us to thinking this week due to their power list of Republicans in 2012. Sarah Palin is on top of it. And in a minor upset, Tim Pawlenty is in front of Mitt Romney. And Mike “always a bridesmaid, never a bride” Huckabee is standing pat in fourth. Now, we know it’s early and it doesn’t mean anything, but we’d like to know who you’d most likely vote for in 2012, if given the choice. This is obviously unscientific and mostly for fun. And feel free to tell us how much you hate (insert object of scorn here) in the comments.source

19 Sep 2009 22:32


Politics: Hardcore Republicans heart Mike Huckabee in 2012 straw poll

  • 29% of voters picked Huckabee over Romney & Palin source