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10 Nov 2009 11:20


Music: Daily poll: Rock bands, Morrissey, concerts and jerk fans

  • Former Smiths lead singer Morrissey is many things – sly, witty, amusing, awesome. But he can be very sensitive, as a huge crowd of fans learned in London over the weekend when Moz left a show immediately after a jerk threw a plastic water bottle at his head. Fans were not happy. So, our question, in general, wonders if he made the right move here. Should one jerk be allowed to ruin everything? Vote here.source

13 Jun 2009 19:57


Offbeat: People for the Ethical Treatment of Drama have a problem with Seattle

  • Killing animals so you can toss their bodies around for amusement is just twisted.
  • PETA senior campaigner Ashley Byrne • On the famous, long-popular trend of throwing fish at Pike Place Fish Market. In response, Jeremy Ridgway, a manager at the market, notes: “I mean, the fish are dead. The thing is, we’re not laughing and making fun of them. . . . It’s just Point A to Point B. That’s why we do it.” We’re guessing if the workers started throwing tofu or possibly even falafel, it wouldn’t have the same level of popularity. • source

12 Mar 2009 09:50


U.S., World: Guilty! The Bush shoe-thrower gets thrown in the slammer

  • Three years for the folk hero. Muntazer al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist who got really angry at ex-prez George W. Bush when he visited Iraq in the waning months of his presidency, was found guilty of assault for throwing a shoe at the world leader. The three-year sentence angered many who saw al-Zaidi as a folk hero, giant shoe and all. source