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10 Nov 2009 11:20


Music: Daily poll: Rock bands, Morrissey, concerts and jerk fans

  • Former Smiths lead singer Morrissey is many things – sly, witty, amusing, awesome. But he can be very sensitive, as a huge crowd of fans learned in London over the weekend when Moz left a show immediately after a jerk threw a plastic water bottle at his head. Fans were not happy. So, our question, in general, wonders if he made the right move here. Should one jerk be allowed to ruin everything? Vote here.source

25 Oct 2009 10:58


Music: We’re pulling for you, Morrissey! The dude collapsed onstage.

We hate it when our friends become unconscious. The former Smiths singer collapsed almost immediately onstage. He’s hospitalized in stable condition. source

03 Feb 2009 10:30


Music: “A gratifying shock”: Pitchfork likes the new Morrissey album

  • This is Morrissey’s most venomous, score-settling album, and in a perverse way that makes it his most engaging.
  • Tom Ewing • in a review of Morrissey’s Years of Refusal, which he claims is the former Smiths singer’s best album since 1994’s Vauxhall and I. • source