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09 Apr 2010 20:55


Biz: To: Media General, From: Us – Re: Your consolidation efforts

  • You know, people will notice this stuff eventually. Yesterday, newspaper chain Media General announced that it was combining the design and copy-editing efforts of its papers in Richmond, Va., Winston-Salem, N.C., and Tampa, Fla. – three papers that have nothing to do with one another geographically. They’re not the first papers to get treated this way, but they are the biggest. And it’s completely not fair to the communities. Here’s why:
  • These aren’t production jobs The nature of moves like these seems to assume that copy-editing and design functions aren’t really journalism – at least not in the same way as reporting. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the editorial process that puts distance between the journalism and the community.
  • Quality will suffer greatly The fact of the matter is, some dude copy-editing a story in Tampa will not understand the nature and nuance of a story in Winston-Salem. Nor will a designer in a similar position. While Media General is playing this as a move to maintain local focus, it won’t work. It’s a damn shame. source

19 Sep 2009 13:51


Biz: Did debt collectors play a role in a Florida guy’s heart attack?

  • Get your act together and make the payments on your mortgage. Why don’t you have that helicopter pick you up and bring that payment to the office.
  • A message left for the now-deceased Stanley McLeod • Regarding the helicopter ride he took after a massive heart attack. The helicopter ride saved his life, but messages like this later killed him, a new lawsuit says. “He’d get very red in the face and short of breath,” said his wife, Dianne, of the phone calls. “I believe it contributed to his death, I really do.” Tampa law firm Morgan and Morgan is fighting for the rights of McLeod and other victims of overly aggressive debt collectors, many of which are breaking Florida law. • source

28 Jun 2009 12:15


Culture: This is too much for us to take. Reports: Billy Mays is dead :(

  • Holy crap. Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson were bad enough, but word is that Billy Mays, that bearded icon of selling crap, died in his Tampa home this morning. NOOOOOOooooooooo!source