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25 Jul 2009 09:00


Offbeat: Some pig: Is this fugitive feral swine the libertarian ideal?

This pig has been on the run around Panama City, Fla., for five months and has a rep so bacony – it fended of tasers! – that it has a Facebook page. source

30 Apr 2009 21:13


Biz, U.S.: OK, so someone doesn’t like the name “swine flu.”

  • The real issue is that anything is bad now because producers for the past 19 months have already lost money. On average they’ve lost about $20 a pig. So even if they lose $2 more, it’s hard on them.
  • Dave Warner • Communications director for the National Pork Producers Council, on how the “inaccurate” name for the flu strain, swine flu, has already hurt their industry. Swine flu, they say, is a combination of swine and human flu strains that you can’t get through eating pork. WHO has heard their criticism and changed the name to H1N1, but it’s terrible. So whatever. • source

25 Apr 2009 10:00


U.S., World: Swine flu has the World Health Organization on its Ps and Qs

  • The World Health Organization called an emergency meeting in response to the outbreak of swine flu that has gone from minor concern to major danger in a just couple of days. The disease has killed dozens in Mexico and sickened scores of others. source
  • WHO is debating raising the flu pandemic alert level from three (no/limited risk) to four or five (new flu virus in the wild and spreading) “This is a very high concern for us as the world’s global health organization,” said WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl. source
  • Can the virus be stopped? While traditional flu vaccines designed to stem the flow of viruses are ineffective against swine flu, it appears that Tamiflu, a common drug well-stocked by Mexico and the U.S., fully remedies the virus. *Whew.* source

23 Apr 2009 22:01


U.S.: Swine flu: It’s like regular flu, but with more pork

  • Seven people recently got a strain of the flu, and researchers are weirded out. The flu, currently centered around California and Texas, is unlike any of the strains currently floating around. It carries elements of swine flu, avian flu and human flu viruses and have researchers stumped. Those suffering from it have already recovered, by the way. We want to imagine in the back of our heads a good story as to how the first person got it, but our fingers are preventing us from typing. source

02 Apr 2009 10:32


Offbeat: Proof we’re on the right path: Furry pigs are back in style!

Mangalitsa pigs, from Hungary, are like bastard children of sheep and swine. And we want one as a pet. Oink. source