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28 Jun 2009 22:31


Culture: Joe Jackson: Where was the Michael love when he was alive?

  • I wish the world had recognized him when he were living. Right now he’s bigger than ever. But I wish he was here to see all this, to hear all this.
  • Joe Jackson • Michael Jackson’s dad, on the death of his son and the huge torrent of response the superstar has gotten posthumously, including at the BET awards, where Joe discussed his son’s life. It’s true – ultimately, the child abuse allegations took the swagger out of Michael’s step, and it seems like we forgot about what we had when he was still alive. We blame ourselves. Sorry, Joe. • source

15 Feb 2009 16:49


Sports: Shaq looks back on his pretty awesome career

  • … Jon Koncak signed for $5 million a year and I said to myself, ‘If this guy can get $5 million a year, I’ve got to get 15.’
  • Shaquille O’Neal • Talking about his initially modest salary requirements (well, for the NBA) and his legendary soon-to-end NBA career. He’s been in the league 17 seasons and is about to play his 15th All-Star Game. Also, back in the day, he broke a couple of backboards. • source

05 Feb 2009 22:57


Sports: Michael Phelps’ lifetime financial goal – can he still hit it?

  • $100 million in sponsorships during his lifetime source

05 Feb 2009 11:33


Music, Offbeat: Meet the polka superstar with an absurd number of Grammys

  • 17 Grammys for Jimmy Sturr, which is kind of a lot – but it’s all in minor categories source