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13 Oct 2009 10:01


U.S.: The California legislature even less-loved than Schwartzenegger

  • 13% approval rating for the clogged-up state legislature source

17 Feb 2009 21:29


U.S.: Which state economy is doing the worst? Easy. California.

  • Many, many problems California can’t get a state budget passed, they have a deficit of $41 billion, their governor is a former actor who doesn’t have any support in the state legislature, they’re laying off a bunch of people, and they have the worst credit of any state in the nation. Should we go on, guys? source
  • Many, many problems California can’t get a state budget passed, they have a deficit of $41 billion, their governor is a former actor who doesn’t have any support in the state legislature, they’re laying off a bunch of people, and they have the worst credit of any state in the nation. Should we go on, guys?
  • The budget crisis The California state legislature has been going at their budget for days, attempting to get a bill onto to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk. They keep getting distracted – today, they randomly honored Hudson Bay hero pilot Chesley Sullenberger. Um, can’t Sully wait for a couple days? source
  • Many, many problems California can’t get a state budget passed, they have a deficit of $41 billion, their governor is a former actor who doesn’t have any support in the state legislature, they’re laying off a bunch of people, and they have the worst credit of any state in the nation. Should we go on, guys?
  • The budget crisis The California state legislature has been going at their budget for days, attempting to get a bill onto to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk. They keep getting distracted – today, they randomly honored Hudson Bay hero pilot Chesley Sullenberger. Um, can’t Sully wait for a couple days?
  • And one jerk … … is trying to attach a bunch of unrelated junk to the budget bill, which is making things even more complicated than they already are. Republican State Senator Abel Maldonado is pushing for an open primary system, which Democrats don’t like. Dude, your economy’s about to implode! source