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18 May 2010 21:09


Biz: The SEC wants to prevent another “flash crash”; here’s how

  • 10% the amount a stock can go down in a five-minute period before a circuit breaker goes off and pauses a stock
  • five the number of minutes that stock is halted; the “flash crash” was caused by inconsistent standards source

03 Apr 2009 15:21


U.S., World: U.S.: We want to help climate change, but it has to be realistic

  • It is clear that the less we do in the near-term, the more we have to do in the long-term. But if we set a target that is un-meetable technically, or we can’t pass it politically, then we’re in the same position we are in now… where the world looks to us and we are out of the regime.
  • Jonathan Pershing • The U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change, speaking at a UN conference in Bonn, Germany. The big kids on the block are trying to improve their global warming standards but at a feasible rate – a notable change from Bush administration policy. • source

11 Mar 2009 10:43


Biz, U.S.: Banks: The bailout money’s too restrictive, we’re giving it back.

  • We are taking an approach that wants the banks to help the economy and whether it is ultimately good for a particular bank is secondary. Weak banks are being asked to do things that will erode their position.
  • L. William Seidman • A former senior regulator who presided over the savings and loan bailout. Many small banks are either choosing not to take the bailout money at all or are looking to give it back, noting things such as executive pay and other strings are necessary for big banks but too restrictive for them. • source