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06 Feb 2010 20:03


U.S.: The 2010 D.C. Snowpocalypse, as brought to you by Flickr

  • Well, that’s a little bit of snow, eh? The Snowpocalypse is mostly over at this point, but the photos do an amazing job of telling how wide-ranging one of the craziest storms D.C. has ever gotten really is. If you live in the city proper (or in a handful of outlying areas like Arlington), by the way, it was actually kinda fun, because the Metro was still running underground, which meant that you could get to some of the snowball fights shown here. source

06 Feb 2010 12:22


U.S.: Snowpocalypse has left tons of people with their lights out

  • 200,000 people (not us) lack power source

06 Feb 2010 08:56


U.S.: How much snow did D.C. and Baltimore get as of this morning?

  • 10″ of snow at the White House source
  • 18″ of snow in the city of Baltimore source
  • 20″+ of snow in Maryland and West Virginia source

05 Feb 2010 20:18


Offbeat, U.S.: Obama respects the snow that D.C.’s getting THIS TIME

  • Even a transplanted Hawaiian to Chicago has sufficient respect for a forecast of nearly two feet of snow.
  • White House press secretary Robert Gibbs • Regarding the snowpocalypse currently taking over D.C. Why does Gibbs have to say this? Simple. Obama was pissed last year, when schools would close after a light dusting. D.C. is a different beast than Chicago, sure, but the city has been known to overreact a little about snow. Obama was right to trash them a year ago, just like he’s right to stay quiet now.. In other news, the D.C. area might get thundersnow tonight. SNOWPOCALYPSE WHAT WHAT? source