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13 Nov 2009 09:44


U.S.: Did shortages help Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan earn his military rank?

  • 1,191 number of majors, out of the 1,402 necessary, the Army has source

13 Nov 2009 09:38


U.S.: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s lawyer says he’s paralyzed pretty badly

  • It appears he won’t be able to walk in the future.
  • Lawyer and retired Army Col. John Galligan • Describing the condition of his client, who will be facing trial on 13 counts of murder in last week’s Fort Hood shooting. Considering Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s condition was originally described by the press as “dead,” paralyzed is an upgrade. However, we imagine this could complicate a trial for this case. • source

12 Nov 2009 22:11


U.S.: Nidal Hasan formally charged in the Fort Hood massacre

  • 13 number of charges of murder Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan faces; he could face the death penalty source

10 Nov 2009 10:37


U.S.: CRISIS AVERTED: Gunman caught, principal safe in New York state

  • one gunman was captured, and noone was hurt, after they held the principal hostage for a couple of hours at Stissing Mountain High School (not a mispelling) in Pine Plains, New York source

10 Nov 2009 10:19


U.S.: The Fort Hood community has dealt with mass murder before

  • George Hennard killed 23 people in 1991. It was the deadliest mass shooting in American history before the Virginia Tech shootings, and it happened right near Fort Hood 18 years ago. Hennard drove through the window of Luby’s Cafeteria in the nearby military town of Killeen, Texas, and shot up the town. He killed 23, injured another 20 and then killed himself. Yet, for some reason, this shooting hasn’t captured the public consciousness in the same way as Columbine or Virginia Tech. We’re sure it will now. source

09 Nov 2009 10:12


U.S.: CIA: The Fort Hood shooter tried to contact al-Qaeda

  • It’s the first real evidence of a terrorist link so far if true. Yesterday, the Associated Press wrote about a story linking the Fort Hood shooter to a mosque where thousands of people go daily to pray. We didn’t run it because the link seemed very thin, and in fact found it offensive that the AP would make such a link. This, however, is something. The CIA told ABC News today that the shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, tried months ago to get in touch with people related to al-Qaeda. And they’ve known about it for a while. No word on whether he succeeded. source

06 Nov 2009 14:05


U.S.: The latest on Orlando: 1 dead, 5 wounded; suspect captured

Jason Rodriguez, a former employee of Reynolds, Smith & Hill, a transportation consulting firm, was captured at his mother’s house by a SWAT team. source

06 Nov 2009 13:34


06 Nov 2009 12:43


U.S.: BREAKING: Another mass shooting, this time in Orlando, Florida

  • eight people were shot in an Orlando high-rise office building source

05 Nov 2009 21:15


U.S.: Obama on the Fort Hood shooting: “Horrifying” it was on an army base

  • It is difficult enough when we lose these brave men and women abroad, but it is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on US soil.
  • Barack Obama • Speaking about the Fort Hood shooting at a press conference today. Regarding the shooting, which killed 13 and wounded 30, he added, “We will make sure that we get answers to every single question about this horrible incident.” The Texas-based Fort Hood, by the way, is the largest military base in the world. • source