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15 Mar 2010 20:31


Culture: Rielle Hunter’s sexy GQ photos not what Rielle Hunter expected

  • You hear that? It’s the sound of immense regret crashing down on a woman who’s saying to herself, “I’ve made a huge mistake.” Rielle Hunter’s GQ interview and photo spread, which is nearly as skeezy as anything Eric Massa told Glenn Beck a week ago, was not supposed to be anything like that, she told Barbara Walters. Hunter also wasn’t wearing John Edwards’ shirt, but the photographer’s. She called the photographs “repulsive,” according to Walters, who regaled the tale on “The View.” She seemed comfortable during the shoot, though! source

06 Mar 2010 12:54


Politics: Yet another New York politician chewed up, spit out by scandal

  • In the incredibly toxic atmosphere that is Washington D.C., with the destruction of our elected leaders having become a blood sport, especially in talk radio and on the Internet, there is also no doubt that an ethics investigation would tear my family and my staff apart.
  • New York Rep. Eric Massa • On his decision to leave office early, as of Monday at 5 p.m. He was facing an ethics scandal regarding misconduct towards a male staff member. Rather than face that political sucker-punch, he chose to resign instead. He had already said he wouldn’t seek re-election due to health reasons. What is in the water in New York that creates so many political scandals? Jesus. source

05 Mar 2010 11:47


Politics: N.Y. Gov. David Paterson not exactly doing well in the polls

  • 46% of those polled say David Paterson should finish his term
  • 42% want to throw the scandal-ridden bum out of office early
  • 12% want to know why you’re bothering them source

04 Mar 2010 20:23


U.S.: David Paterson’s bad day: The latest in the NY governor’s scandal

  • one His communications secretary resigned, saying he couldn’t “in good conscience” support Paterson.
  • two Paterson’s scandal continues to broaden, with ill-gotten World Series tickets under deep scrutiny.
  • three Paterson said he’d be governor Friday, but stayed silent when asked if he would be governor next week. source

03 Mar 2010 10:29


Politics: David Paterson forgets that people also asking him to quit

  • A number of people have contacted me and asked me to stay.
  • Gov. David Paterson • Regarding the scandal which is ruining his governorship and is really making Eliot Spitzer look like a prince in comparison. The politician is facing one messy scandal, as word is that he personally ordered state police to pressure a woman domestically abused by one of Paterson’s top staffers. Paterson didn’t look good before this, and now he looks beyond reproach. source

01 Mar 2010 10:45


Politics: Can David Paterson lead after all this crap he’s been dealt?

Here, a bunch of New York’s black leaders discuss helping the governor. Problem: 2nd from left has an ethics scandal of his own, and far right is Al Sharpton. source

26 Feb 2010 10:29


U.S.: Dear David Paterson: Thanks for finally listening to us

  • He’s not running for re-election, but he’s not resigning, either. A day after The New York Times broke some crazy crap about him (just days after they broke some other, more general, crazy crap about him), the pressure finally got to be a little much for the New York governor and now he’s finally out. Great. source

25 Feb 2010 20:50


U.S.: Today not a good day for politicians in New York state

Charles Rangel is the latest politician to be nailed to the cross, after a House panel found that he broke ethics rules when paying for a Caribbean trip. source

25 Feb 2010 20:04


U.S.: Will David Paterson quit the NY Gov. race due to his latest scandal?

  • NO but he’s asking for second opinions (just quit man) source

25 Feb 2010 10:56


Culture: Oprah says what everyone was thinking about John Edwards

  • If you’re willing to pull off this kind of deception…what else would you be willing to deceive the American public about?
  • Oprah • Speaking on her show yesterday. Her guest was Andrew Young (along with his wife Cheri), and they were talking about the ever-popular topic of Edwards’ affairs. Regarding what the purported sex tape shows, they revealed it shows Edwards “performing sex acts” while a woman who’s probably Rielle Hunter holds the camera. “Thank you for that information,” Oprah said. No, Thank. You. Oprah. source