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18 Jul 2010 10:07


World: Iranian scientist: The U.S. wanted to trade me for those hikers

  • Remember the Russian spy swap? Imagine an Iranian version. While Shahram Amiri sticks by his story that he was held by U.S. agents for over a year, this little detail stands out. Amiri reportedly was going to be used as a bargaining chip to get back hikers Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd, and Josh Fattal, who were captured by Iran about a year ago after hiking in the wrong place. If that’s true, it adds a new layer to the bizarre story. source

23 May 2010 20:53


World: Also not “Lost”: Using captured hikers, Iran wants to barter with U.S.

  • Iran wants their diplomats back! The fate of hikers Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Josh Fattal has been under question for months, after they were detained last summer for crossing into the country. While they got to meet with their collective mothers last week, they’re still in custody and have been denied access to their lawyer repeatedly. Hillary Clinton has been calling for their release, too, and Iran may be willing to do a prisoner swap to get back some Iranian diplomats held in Iraq. We’ll believe it when we see it. source

09 Nov 2009 10:31


World: Iran’s charging three border-crossing American hikers with espionage

  • 100 days in captivity so far for the unlucky hikers source