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24 May 2011 11:17


World: Ryanair flies plane through Iceland’s volcanic ash to prove it’s safe

  • How badly does Ryanair want to fly in this mess? Well, the ultra-cheap airline, which is trying to argue that the air plume from the Iceland volcano isn’t that bad, just sent a test plane through the thickest part of the plume for an hour. To put it simply, the plane got through OK, which means that now RyanAir is really arguing that officials allow airlines to fly their passenger planes through this murky soup. Look, we know your entire business model relies on tight profit margins, Ryanair, but is this really how you want to save money? (amazing eruption photo via NASA Goddard Photo and Video’s Flickr page) source

06 Sep 2010 20:37


Biz: No co-pilot? Meet the airline CEO who would suggest that

Michael O’Leary, Ryanair’s CEO, is the kind of guy who likes to skip on the somewhat essentials. The center image says it all. source

10 Apr 2010 12:16


Offbeat: RyanAir charges for bathrooms, American Restroom Association exists

  • It is a human right to freely eliminate yourself. It’s conceivable that people could be stuck on an airline for 15 to 20 hours. The idea of having only one bathroom in a situation like that is … strange.
  • University of Maryland professor Dr. Steven Soifer • Regarding RyanAir’s decision to cut the number of bathrooms from three to one, and make that one coin-operated. While he may miss the boat on some aspects of this (he argues that it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, even though RyanAir is a European company, on other aspects he’s dead-on. Fun fact: Soifer is the co-founder of the American Restroom Association and Shy Bladder Center, two organizations we can’t believe exist. source

06 Jul 2009 22:11


Biz: Ryanair to travelers: We want YOU (to feel uncomfortable)

  • Ya know how your legs get cramped after sitting on a plane for too long? Ever wish you could just stand the whole way instead? …no? Well, Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary thinks you might – it’ll save him a couple bucks too. Inspired by a Chinese airline which charged passengers a reduced fare to sit at a bar stool with a seat belt around their waists, O’Leary is now asking the Irish Aviation Authority if it’s A-OK for the company to do the same. Since the seats are crappy, does that mean the plane has an open bar? source