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05 Apr 2011 16:04


World: Libyan rebels plan to begin exporting oil themselves

  • This is a big deal for the opposition council. The Libyan rebel government’s deal with Qatar to export oil has obvious benefits to their cause, and they aren’t strictly economic. One aspect of the Libyan struggle we can’t overlook is the need for others to perceive their legitimacy — the more the rebellion shows a unified, proactive, and competent front, the more pressure it may put on Gaddafi’s beleaguered allies to desert him. The immediately refused rebel ceasefire offer was a good example, and this follows suit — the practical proof that oil exports can resume despite Gaddafi’s efforts to the contrary is another psychological victory against a regime that’s already reported as suffering key defections by officials. source

31 Mar 2011 19:14


World: More defections by Libyan officials reported

  • This is looking pretty significant: Al Jazeera reports that yesterday’s high-profile defection by former Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa is no isolated incident. They say that four senior Libyan officials are outside the country (with Tunisia as a likely location), and have no intention to return. Without overstating the case, this is very welcome news. The more high-ranking internal support Gaddafi loses, the harder it should become for him to demand the sort of loyalty that’s needed to commit these atrocities on an international stage.  source

01 Mar 2011 13:20


World: U.N. worried about conditions for mass of Libyan refugees

  • 150,000 people have fled from Libya source
  • » The concern: Too many people evacuating too fast, causing difficult food, water and health conditions for refugees. The agency said that it was “becoming critically important that onwards transport becomes quickly available to avoid a humanitarian crisis.”

24 Feb 2011 12:36


World: Media reports from Libya still scarce, but here’s a little footage

  • “Gaddafi Get Out”: The crackdown in Libya has made it part perilous, part impossible to get proper media coverage of the event. That being so, any time there’s a chance to see footage, shouldn’t we take it? These images are, after all, the only visually evocative way to inform our international consciences, which in matters of decades-long strongman rulers likely should be more burdened. source

06 Mar 2010 11:54


U.S.: The story of Capt. Holly Graf, or how mean people always lose

  • rise Top female Captain Holly Graf was put in charge of a billion-dollar warship, the Japan-based U.S.S. Cowpens.
  • climax Graf, while leading the ship, was constantly profane and abusive to subordinates. She swore a lot and was very mean.
  • fall Her crew rebelled against her, which led to her removal as commander of the ship in January. source

08 Apr 2009 20:35


U.S., World: Wow, that Somalia pirate story got really crazy quick

  • The dudes on the ship managed to fend off the Somali pirates and most got free easily. source
  • A U.S. military destroyer arrived to help the with that pesky Somali pirate problem. source