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08 Dec 2011 11:55


Culture: The Roots’ punishment for the Bachmann incident: Heavy bureaucracy

  • 3 NBC execs will now have to screen Questlove’s intro song choices source

15 Sep 2009 08:59


U.S.: Rep. Joe Wilson may want to reconsider that second apology

  • We’re not the British parliament for a reason. Ignoring the issue sets a precedent for bad behavior.
  • Kristie Greco, spokeswoman for House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) • On the decision to discipline Rep. Joe Wilson for saying “You Lie!” to the president. Republicans largely don’t support the measure, saying he apologized once, but Democrats, led by Clyburn, are pushing for it. • source

05 Feb 2009 22:53


Sports: The Michael Phelps “Potgate” fallout is starting to hit

  • one company is pulling out of their sponsorship deal with Phelps – Kellogg’s, which featured the swimmer on boxes of Corn Flakes and Frosted Flakes. source