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23 Jul 2009 22:24


Music: ShortFormBand: Psych-rockers Hopewell give us clever answers

  • Whoa, what is this?

    In our continuing effort to try new things, here’s our latest: Band coverage! This time, Hopewell (whose new album, “Good Good Desperation,” is worth the listen) brings us waves of dreamy guitar soundscapes (and some fun answers). Want to see your band here? E-mail us or bug us on Twitter!

    Listen to them

    Q1: In 15 words or less, describe your sound: Swept river manger up from strangers from the you. Swept river rolled hellfire wires.*
    * – Since this question is any credible musician’s worst nightmare, I put the lyrics to one of our songs into the “cut up machine” and generated a lyrical montage a la William Burroughs. That should do the trick.

    Q2: Name three influences that inspire you, with three words each on why they’re awesome:
    Lou Reed: genius now ornery
    Brooklyn, NY: Such modern history
    Vincent Gallo: Style over substance

    Q3: What’s a recent song you’ve been digging? Write ten words explaining why:
    Dirty Projectors – “Stillness Is The Move”: Makes me happy to see weird music so popular.

    Q4: In 140 characters or less, how do you use social networking to get the word out: Reluctantly we row the internet buzz boat down the stream. Watch this:

    Q5: In 15 words or less, what’s next for you? All Tomorrow’s Parties.source

27 Feb 2009 10:56


Offbeat: This new frogfish is a real trip, man! Oooh, the colors …

This psychedelic fish looks – and acts – like an acid trip gone wrong. source