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25 Nov 2009 17:28


U.S., World: Obama has big plans for climate change in Copenhagen

  • 17% goal for emissions cuts by 2020 – good luck source

08 Nov 2009 09:39


World: Iran to Russia: “We want our missiles! Give them to us!”

  • Avoiding delivery of S300 defense system to Iran, if that is Russia’s official stance, would be a new chapter in breaking promises by the Russians.
  • Iranian parliament member Alaeddin Boroujerdi • On the country’s desire to get promised high-grade missiles from Russia. Boroujerdi is the leader of parliament’s foreign policy and national security committee. Regarding the missiles, which can shoot down cruise missiles and aircraft, Iran wants them mostly to take on Israel if there’s ever an attack. The U.S. is happy Russia hasn’t shipped them yet. • source