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17 Jul 2010 18:17


U.S.: Bus driver somehow shoves himself into the abortion debate

  • what A Texas bus driver sued his former employers, claiming they biased against his religion by firing him.
  • why He would not drive women on his bus route to Planned Parenthood. We’re not kidding. source

31 Jan 2010 11:13


Politics: Focus on the Family dude: The Tim Tebow ad isn’t anti-anything

  • There’s nothing political about the ad. Nothing shocking or divisive. Nothing ‘anti’ anything. It’s just an inspiring story from the Tebows – as much as can be fit into 30 seconds, anyway – about celebrating family and celebrating life.
  • Focus on the Family President and CEO Jim Daly • Regarding the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad that’s driven a firestorm of controversy. He claims that it’s inspiring “cultural change,” not forcing anti-abortion down our throats. “That’s the motivation behind our commercial – to get the country talking about the choices we have to make when faced with all variety of life challenges,” he writes, “not just unplanned pregnancies.” If they can somehow get two dudes kissing in the commercial, then we’d watch. source

29 Jan 2010 13:05


U.S.: Scott Roeder’s murder conviction happened in a familiar place

  • 30 number of minutes it took a jury to acquit George Tiller of 19 misdemenaor violations of Kansas’ abortion law in March of last year
  • 37 number of minutes it took a jury in the same courthouse to convict Scott Roeder of murdering Tiller; Roeder attended Tiller’s trial source

26 Jan 2010 09:47


Culture: Tim Tebow: Nearly aborted, now famous. We just saved you $2.5M

  • By offering one of the most coveted advertising spots of the year to an anti-equality, anti-choice, homophobic organization, CBS is aligning itself with a political stance that will damage its reputation, alienate viewers, and discourage consumers from supporting its shows and advertisers.
  • A statement by the Women’s Media Center • Regarding a planned Focus on the Family Super Bowl commercial featuring former University of Florida (and future NFL) star Tim Tebow. The commercial notes that Tebow was nearly aborted for medical reasons (his mom, Pam, refused), and since he was born, ta-dah!, now he’s one of the biggest college football stars in history. The commercial, obviously expensive, has the potential of being seen by a huge audience. It’s already hugely controversial. source

22 Jan 2010 18:05


U.S.: Today, the Roe v. Wade abortion debate took over D.C.

37 years ago today, Roe v. Wade was passed, creating the strongest wedge issue our country has ever seen. Protesters were out in full force today. source

22 Nov 2009 21:04


11 Sep 2009 13:08


U.S.: Anti-abortion protester killed in Michigan shootings

  • Owosso, Mich. is in the national news for the first time ever. James Pouillon, a noted anti-abortion activist, was killed this morning while protesting outside Owosso High School. Pouillion, who used an oxygen tank and wore leg braces while protesting, wasn’t alone. The owner of a local gravel company was found shot and killed inside his office. A suspect in both cases was later captured. Citizens for a Pro-life Society director Monica Migliorino Miller put it like so: “Jim Pouillon is a hero. He died for the cause of life.” source

28 Aug 2009 10:29


U.S.: Operation Rescue shakes off George Tiller, protesting abortions again

  • one
    of a abortion-specializing doctor has been notched off by the anti-abortion movement – the May 31 death of George Tiller source

01 Jun 2009 10:53


Politics, U.S.: George Tiller’s murder shows flaws in “pro-life” movement

  • Nothing exposes this fundamental inconsistency and instability in the ethic of life as a description of the anti-abortion movement more than ‘pro-life’ murder.
  • Theology professor Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite • Who argues that the way to reduce abortions, rather than through fiery, passionate protests, may be through sex education and financial support of poor women stuck in the undesirable position of keeping a child. She says a “pro-life” movement that leads to murder is a flawed movement. Scott Roeder, the suspect in the George Tiller shooting, apparently felt that the murder of an abortionist was justifiable. • source

16 May 2009 22:01


U.S.: We wish we could get people as riled up as Obama does

  • 19 anti-abortion activists were arrested at Notre Dame today source