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31 Mar 2011 14:28


Sports: A national pastime to pass your time

  • The long winter is over: For those of you who are baseball fans, Opening Day is an occasion when anticipation, good vibes, and nostalgia of all stripes can wash over you in an instant. And as two-thirds of us here at ShortFormBlog have the World Series-winning Giants in our backyard, the local enthusiasm is hard to miss. A fun bit of trivia, courtesy of The Atlantic: since William Howard Taft, every President besides Jimmy Carter has thrown out at least one ceremonial first pitch. Likely due to the kerfuffle that unfolded over his NCAA basketball bracket, President Obama will not be throwing the first pitch at the Nationals opener this year. source

25 Aug 2010 10:32


World: Jimmy Carter’s in North Korea, following in Bill Clinton’s footsteps

Something tells us that Jimmy Carter is not the master negotiator that Bill Clinton was when he went to North Korea last year. source

29 Aug 2009 11:18


U.S.: (Most of) the presidents came out to wish off Ted Kennedy

Missing from this photo: George H.W. Bush, who couldn’t travel. In this photo: Everyone else, including Jimmy Carter and Bush’s son. source

26 Apr 2009 09:54


Politics, U.S.: How does Obama compare to all those other presidents?

With nearly 100 days of experience behind him, comparisons start to stick. source