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17 Jan 2009 09:07


Tech, U.S.: Another perk of being President Barack Obama

  • *272 Obama’s key to never-jammed cell phone calls source

08 Jan 2009 09:12


U.S.: A shot of the Obamamobile in action

This vehicle is designed to keep our next president really, really safe. source

08 Jan 2009 09:08


U.S.: It’s like the Popemobile, except for Obama

  • 5 inches – the thickness of the glass on Obama’s secure new ride source

05 Jan 2009 04:05


U.S.: He’s not even getting in the Oval Office on coattails

  • Given the gravity of the economic situation the nation is facing, I could not in good conscience ask the President-elect and his Administration to delay for one day the important work that needs to be done.
  • Bill Richardson • New Mexico governor, 2008 presidential candidate, and to-be U.S. Secretary of Commerce, who withdrew his name from consideration due to a pending federal investigation • source