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29 Jul 2010 20:40


Tech: I won’t back down, part 4: The new Kindle’s killer reviews

  • We have to hand it to Amazon. Despite looking like they might be a little outgunned by the iPad, they not only came out with a new version of the Kindle, but the device is thus far getting some killer reviews. Sure, it’s not color, but it looks a step or two above the first two Kindles. source

31 Oct 2009 10:52


U.S.: Did you know HIV-positive people couldn’t enter the U.S. for 22 years?

  • If we want to be the global leader in combating HIV/AIDS, we need to act like it.
  • Barack Obama • Describing his decision to turn over a 22-year-old ban on HIV-positive people entering the country. Just a dozen countries had the ban, which sounds like it was put in place at the height of misinformation and hysteria about the disease. While we’re glad it’s getting overturned, it’s a sad statement on our country that the ban existed in the first place. • source

02 Aug 2009 11:36


Sports: The Boston Red Sox: A recent legacy tainted by steroids?

  • Two staffers were fired last summer over steroid use. One of baseball’s most iconic recent success stories, the championship runs of the Boston Red Sox, is currently under fire after two revelations which put steroids at the team’s forefront. Earlier this week, it was revealed that star sluggers David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez tested positive in 2003 while Red Sox players. Today, a Boston newspaper reported that two security staffers were fired last summer over steroid use. While they deny knowledge of other players doing it, it sure feels sketchy, doesn’t it? source

23 Mar 2009 21:54


Biz, U.S.: The stock market really liked the bailout news a lot

  • +497 we had a good day, now it’s time to party! source

12 Mar 2009 21:33


Biz: Investors, finally optimistic for once. Stocks are up!

  • +9.5% in the last three days. Whoo, time to party! source