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10 Nov 2011 23:25


World: Who will protect the rhinoceros, much less harness its power?

  • Some rhinos aren’t long for this world: “A lack of political support and willpower for conservation efforts in many rhino habitats, international organized crime groups targeting rhinos and increasing illegal demand for rhino horns and commercial poaching are the main threats faced by rhinos,” said the International Union for Conservation of Nature in their latest update to their list of endangered species with the Western Black Rhino of Africa. It is possible for endangered species to bounce back but not without effort and rehabilitation programs. source

21 Aug 2009 10:47


Tech: Steve Jobs’ attempt to stop employee poaching was “likely illegal”

  • Your proposal that we agree that neither company will hire the other’s employees, regardless of the individual’s desires, is not only wrong, it is likely illegal.
  • Former Palm CEO Ed Colligan • Reportedly in a 2007 message between himself and Apple CEO Steve Jobs, where Jobs was suggesting a deal that would prevent the companies from poaching one another’s talent. At the time, Jobs was likely smarting from the loss of Jon Rubinstein, a former Apple exec who helped create the iPod, left for Palm, helped create the Pre, and then became Palm’s CEO. The exchange is sure to spark the ire of the Department of Justice. • source