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05 Oct 2009 22:06


Tech: This is how we produce all the fake photographs our site uses

  • With technology this awesome, who needs the truth, anyway? The truth was just getting in the way of what everyone really wanted, which is awesome, beautiful photos. Photosketch grabs random labeled photos off the internet and throws them into simply-drawn shapes that you outline. The geniuses that made this now have a hit on them thanks to photojournalists everywhere.source

24 Sep 2009 20:22


Tech, World: Good luck: France wants to mark images as Photoshopped

  • Every magazine cover and movie poster could carry a warning in France. The French are apparently concerned about body image in a big way. Because of that, they’re considering labeling ‘shopped images as such. 50 French politicians support the law, which carries huge fines for those who don’t follow it. So, photos of models are either going to carry disclaimers or are going to get a lot uglier. We wonder which. source