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08 Feb 2012 20:58


Politics: In case you missed it: Pete Hoekstra’s racist Super Bowl ad

  • “We take your jobs”: We’re a couple days behind on this one (though, admittedly, hannahhorvath did tip us off), but seriously, how about this patently racist ad that aired during the Super Bowl in some markets? It hinges on a particular brand of racial paranoia (the woman in this ad is American, and has absorbed a lot of heat for taking part), itself born from a profound economic paranoia. And it gets worse — apparently the microsite for the video had some perceived-racist source code in it. Reaction to the ad has been strong. What do you think? source

15 Nov 2009 23:12


Politics: Max Headroom: Spinning the NYC-based 9/11 terror trial

  • A spirited defense Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her work cut out for her in defending having the 9/11 terror trial in NYC. For the most part, her points make sense, even if they annoy Rudy Giuliani.

  • A spirited defense Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her work cut out for her in defending having the 9/11 terror trial in NYC. For the most part, her points make sense, even if they annoy Rudy Giuliani.

  • Gitmo like Disneyland? Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra perhaps misspoke when he referred to Guantanamo Bay as “a great place.” Hear that? It’s an instant soundbite for his Democratic challenger in 2010!

  • A spirited defense Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her work cut out for her in defending having the 9/11 terror trial in NYC. For the most part, her points make sense, even if they annoy Rudy Giuliani.

  • Gitmo like Disneyland? Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra perhaps misspoke when he referred to Guantanamo Bay as “a great place.” Hear that? It’s an instant soundbite for his Democratic challenger in 2010!

  • Get yo popcorn ready! Tomorrow promises to be some awesome TV for red-meat-eating conservatives, as Lou Dobbs brings the anti-immigration train (choo choo) to “The O’Reilly Factor.” Here’s the ad.