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07 Oct 2009 09:10


U.S.: Russ Feingold says the White House should explain “czar” system

  • The White House seems to want to fight the attacks against it for having too many ‘czars’ on a political level rather than a substantive level. I don’t think that’s the right approach.
  • Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold • At a hearing yesterday regarding the Obama administration’s use of czars to handle specific issues facing the presidency. Their use has been a touchy subject for some, especially if your name is Glenn Beck. “If there are good answers to the questions that have been raised,” Feingold says regarding the White House’s blog post on the subject, “why not give them instead of attacking the motives or good faith of those who have raised questions?” Also raised were constitutional and oversight issues – should the Senate be taking a look at these czars? • source

01 Jul 2009 22:51


Offbeat: When in Chicago, check out the Sears (don’t look down) Tower

It’s a good thing that glass is really thick, or we’d have to worry about this cute little girl falling 103 stories. source