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31 Mar 2011 13:16


Politics: Orly Taitz endorses Trump for President

  • really? Donald Trump has employed a daring, if unscrupulous political strategy in courting the birther movement. Basically, he’s trading in whatever mainstream credibility he has to corner the market on a vociferous, single-issue base.
  • Orly! Orly Taitz, birther maven and former California Secretary of State candidate, endorsed Trump on her blog, calling him “THE PRESIDENT WE OUGHT TO HAVE NOW, ASAP.” As you can tell from the caps-lock, she’s deadly serious. source

24 Dec 2010 16:17


Politics: Dear birther movement: Hawaii’s governor knew Obama’s parents

  • It’s an insult to his mother and to his father, and I knew his mother and father — they were my friends, and I have an emotional interest in that. It’s an emotional insult, it is disrespectful to the president, it is disrespectful to the office.
  • New Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie • Expressing his anger over the “birther” movement – something he has a personal stake in because he was good friends with Obama’s parents when they first met and had Barack. So, just to shut those morons up, he’s working on ways to improve the law or offer even more details of Obama’s birth. We hope Abercrombie’s work means Orly Taitz will never be on TV ever again. source

09 Jun 2010 10:40


Politics: Did Orly Taitz win California’s Secretary of State GOP primary?

  • 3:1 the ratio which the birther lady lost by (O RLY?) source

06 Aug 2009 20:50


Politics, U.S.: Example No. 3 of GOP Obama fury: Birthers gettin’ punk’d

  • Man, that Orly Taitz video sure takes on a hilarious new context based on these images, which essentially confirm that the Obama Kenyan birth certificate was a forgery by an anonymous blogger designed to make the birthers look stupid.source

04 Aug 2009 12:31


U.S.: Hey, Barack Obama: Happy 48th birthday from the birther movement

  • The movement as it stands Currently, the birther movement is frustrating politicians on both sides of the aisle, although the White House has simply avoided it. Republicans are struggling to avoid it at town hall meetings, and Democrats are simply angry about it. But perhaps the iconic moment of the movement is this interview on MSNBC, where Orly Taitz shouts a lot and the MSNBC anchors shout back. In our opinion, it makes everyone involved look incredibly bad.
  • The movement as it stands Currently, the birther movement is frustrating politicians on both sides of the aisle, although the White House has simply avoided it. Republicans are struggling to avoid it at town hall meetings, and Democrats are simply angry about it. But perhaps the iconic moment of the movement is this interview on MSNBC, where Orly Taitz shouts a lot and the MSNBC anchors shout back. In our opinion, it makes everyone involved look incredibly bad.
  • O RLY: The Orly Taitz shoutfest

14 Jul 2009 20:46


U.S.: How to avoid active duty: Claim Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen

  • Yeah, that’s gonna work. U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook is trying to avoid getting sent to Afghanistan by questioning the legitimacy of whether President Barack Obama can send him using the F(&(^((# B(#&S#(^ claims that Barack Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen and therefore shouldn’t be president. His lawyer, Orly Taitz, has a history of bringing these kind of cases to court. O RLY? source